Antonyms for set up

Antonyms for (verb) set up

Main entry: set up, put up, raise, rear, erect

Definition: construct, build, or erect

Usage: Raise a barn

Antonyms: rase, raze, pull down, dismantle, take down, tear down, level

Definition: tear down so as to make flat with the ground

Main entry: set up, arrange

Definition: put into a proper or systematic order

Usage: arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order

Antonyms: disarrange

Definition: destroy the arrangement or order of

Main entry: found, establish, launch, set up

Definition: set up or found

Usage: She set up a literacy program

Antonyms: get rid of, abolish

Definition: do away with

Main entry: set up, assemble, tack, tack together, put together, piece

Definition: create by putting components or members together

Usage: She pieced a quilt; He tacked together some verses; They set up a committee

Antonyms: break apart, break up, disassemble, dismantle, take apart

Definition: take apart into its constituent pieces

Visual thesaurus for set up